Monday, March 18, 2013

Post 11:Naming the Island

                     Hmm, that's a tricky thought. Well, I would name it "Undergroundia", but is sounds too confound. I know, I'll name it "Youchoose Island", because it's not me that makes the choices, or anyone else.
It's you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Post 10: What is Perfect ?


           Perfection is when an item, place, idea, or anything along those lines are considered ideal for their values and standards. Things like utopia, paradise, and others can be considered perfect to most, it depends on a person's viewpoints and values. One person's utopia might be different than someone else's utopia, because no one is the same. We even have to use our own blog, since not everyone will get along. Yet we still try.

(Ignore the pony if you don't mind.)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Post 8: Motto, Emblem, and Flag

"Have fun !!!!"

Our Flag

Our Emblem
Note: We put the phrase " Smile!" on our flag and emblem to show that our community is very fun.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post 7: Respnse to "The Veldt" by Ray Radbury

 Theme: "More is not always better"
       Well, that's pretty obvious. Now, you may think more is better, like having more money, or more fun. But not always. For example, what if you had more food from Burger King ? It would taste good, but it wouldn't help in the long run (you would get pretty big). And what if there was more criminals ? That wouldn't be very good (well, duh).
"I don't want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else is there to do?"


      Well, huh. There's acually not much humans do other thans the things they mention in the quote. Well you can think, but that defeats the purpose of most technology people have made. People have become lazy in everyday life. But that's how things are invented. Our world is driven on laziness, we ivent things because we are too lazy to do the task, so they get things to do it for them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Architecture and Growth


            Our community is based underground for safety reasons, it's like a basement shelter, but more cheerful (I guess). The community changes theme depending on the season (a beach during spring, a Christmas tree for Christmas, etc.). We use state of the art architecture and technology, so don't worry about a thing. Our utopia is very architecturally complex, so we give everyone a map with everything on it, the cafe, work rooms, the loo, etc.  

                Our community is very new, so we are still working things out. We started the idea in 2005, as a secret base. Then, as we progressed, we decided to open up to the community in 2009, and thus we created         
our utopia.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post 5: Government & Healthcare

Government Officials

In our utopia, we have 12 elected officials running the facility, each person having a specific job.
Every 7 years, new officials are elected, whether they are new or returning. Every adult votes for an official in each profession (i.e, Secretary of Education, etc. ) . The officials are in charge and can even be blamed for problems under certain circumstances. Every choice is made by them, unless someone creates a petition and stops them.


            Usually, everyone gets along to some degree. But when someone gets in trouble, it's not a good thing. The  first time, you get a warning and a probation from free time for a while. The time of probation grows as the amount of punishments increase, until the tenth one. On the tenth one, you have to leave the island (sad, right ?) . 

Court System

In our utopia, the court judges are elected just like the officials. They are fair (very, very fair) . The rules and procedures are just like any court.